How to write best seo friendly content

It is a very common question to all blogger that how to write seo content. As a blogger, if you are interested to write seo content. You have to apply some strategy.
Here, I Am Giving some tips for how to write best seo friendly content.


Before writing a article you need to search keyword. Keyword research is primary subject to write an content. You can use tools for keyword research.
Once you finalized your keyword you should use keyword similar with Title. You should use your Title several place on your article. Try to use your focus keyword with your content title. Content Title should be unique best SEO.


When you finalized your title of your content.Then go for writing of your body content. Firstly try to keep your sentence short ,simple and readable. Body Content should be no less than 300 word for better SEO.Try to keep one or two header on your content. Use different font color for better outlook. Title and body content has to be unique for better SEO. Unique content index earlier on Search Engine. Once your content indexed on Search Engine visitor start to come up your site. Unique content bring more visitor. It is also important to develop your page rank. So we understand how to write seo content is important.


Image also need to be use on content for better SEO. Image should be related to content. Image also can bring visitor on your site. It is better to use image by own creation.Alt. Tag of an image is necessary for SEO.Image can be index on Search engine by this alt. tag. Unique image is also a part of better SEO. Feature image also use by good blogger.So hope we realize an image also important for how to write seo content.

Inbound and outbound link

Inbound and outbound link can be use for better SEO. You may get a backlink from this link. So we see the necessity link on how to write seo content.
Concern on above instruction and it’s complete for how to write best seo friendly content. Hope you enjoy the tips about how to write best seo friendly content.

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