Image optimization is an crucial thing to increase traffic on your
site.To design a website or write a content for your site image
optimization makes your site more smarter. Fruitful image can tell what
content have on article or site. Not only site content or article
indexed on search engine but also image indexed on search engine. To
index image on search engine image optimization is must.
Why Image optimization is important?
Image Optimization is necessary for increase seo. Now a days image are also good resource to make your site user friendly.
Here is below some fruitful description for image optimization.
Why Image optimization is important?
Image Optimization is necessary for increase seo. Now a days image are also good resource to make your site user friendly.
Here is below some fruitful description for image optimization.
Tips for Image Optimization
Alt Text:
Search engine can read only text. They can not read image. They read text of an image which is known as Alt Text. Alt text is very important factor for seo. Only Alt text of your image can help for seo. Alt text should be related with content for better seo. For faster index image name and alt text should be related with content.For using title name use the same name of alt text. Alt text is one of the main resource for increase seo.Unique Image:
For an site not only unique seo friendly content is important, but also unique image are necessary for better seo.Image Content:
Now a days people can understand with watching image of an site that what valuable content has on it.Image should be relevant with content.Image is an visual presentation of your content.Image Size:
This is jpg imageSize: 69KB | |||
Image name:For Image optimization on seo image name should be the same as alt text and relevant with content.Image Format:if you would like to use transparent or high resolution PNG format is the best. If you make an animation use GIF. For blogging, most of the blogger use jpg format.Submit Image on image sharing site for increase SEO:You can submit your image on photo sharing site for seo. They will also give you backlink. Here is below some photo sharingsite name for increase seo on your site. 1)Instagram 2) Flickr 3) Picasa 4) Photobucket 5) Pinterest We hope this photo sharing site will help you to make more seo of your site. Do not use copyright image! Do not use copyright image from anyone. It will destroy your website reputation. You may face a huge amount of penalty to use someone else image. Be alert from it! We hope this Image Optimization tips will be helpful for you. | This is PNG imageSize: 120KB |